Version 8.0
Well hello!
It's been a while, eh? Last time I sat down to write a blog post was on... September 2018, holy crap, I didn't realize how long it's been!
The truth is that I have been writing almost daily but for myself. This past year has been truly a roller-coaster and it was difficult to know exactly where I was standing. I think it was like this for many of us.
Now that all the dust is settling, I've decided to come back to writing for an audience and instead of sharing how I'm feeling -still figuring it out- I'll be sharing my work(s) in progress. I have been doing this through Instagram stories but I figured this is a lazy way of quickly showing you what I'm working on. Since I give all of me to my work, the least I can do is to make an effort to properly I share who I am and what I do.
My work is still not yielding enough income to support me full time but I persevere because it's the only thing I'm really good at.
If I can inspire one person to do something new, different and daring, I've done my job. If I can get that inspired person to buy my Art, then they did their job. So hey, worth keeping at it.
Without further a due, this is what I'm currently working on.
The painter in me is working on an abstract piece (no yet titled), inspired by the music of Matias Gibbs, who I met recently and really touched me with his talent. Please make sure to check his work, specially if you have a documentary or film you are working on, he is a magnificent composer and has inspired this piece, currently on its third layer.
The photographer in me will come back to this blog tomorrow with updates. Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading,